Architectural & Structural engineering

Architectural & Structural engineering

Architectural engineering, also known as building engineering, is the application of engineering principles and technology to architectural, structural,mechanical, electrical, construction or other engineering fields of building design and construction. Structural engineering is a field of engineeringdealing with the analysis and design of structures that support or resist loads

FAIRALI arranges all design and construction related aspects of all technical projects. Construction of new houses, renovation, rebuilding and maintenance of existing establishments are merely a few of the services we provide. One of our goals is to give all individuals the chance to have their own (dream) house designed and built in their own country. Their own wishes combined with the wide variety of designs and ideas we offer are the key to the unique creation they have been dreaming of. Apart from the design, we offer the contracting, financing, construction and management/engineering of individual projects as well as larger projects for organisations e.g. housing complexes or communities or local governments but also complete planning of industrial area’s including the buildings on it, depending on its purpose.

Within our projects we also provide the knowledge in the energetic way of designing and constructing buildings according to the (eastern) principals of Feng Shui (China) & Vaastu (India). This concerns all building like houses, offices, schools, healthcare centres, industries as well as gardens, landscaping and town planning.

Advising in and developing of Eco-prefab building systems is also one of the services we provide as well as research and the supervision on placing of existing (prefab)building systems. Our expertise in Prefab-systems can be implemented for building and civil engineering projects such as social and private houses, school- and office buildings, hospitals, clinics and other types of care centres, community and recreational centres, guesthouses and hotels, temporary or (semi-) permanent emergency housing in disaster areas etc. Even distributing and installing Solar-Energy systems for individuals and companies is one of our specialties, as well as deliver and installing (prefab) swimming pools or natural recreational pool systems. Advising and creating real estate development is also one of the growing aspects we provide for both private investors and local governments.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)