Real Estate Development

Real Estate Development, Investments & Project Finance

FAIRALI can establish you with information for either buying / selling or invest in real estate in several countries based on the latest market values. Our real estate agents are trained to mediate between parties for an efficient outcome. Our vision in business plans for social/commercial housing plans, development of land combined with our marketing strategies and plans are suitable for every bank and investment company to go along with finances or joint ventures. We have offices in Europe, South America and the Caribbean where we offer real estate for buying/selling for private people and organizations. We also mediate in buying / selling / investing in natural resources and minerals.


Not only we initiate our own housing projects, we design and developed land for governments, private and semi-private multi nationals where we offer also the marketing strategies, financings and sales of the individual lots. Besides that, we also design and built houses on requests or for individual clients. One of our goals is to give all individuals the chance to have their own dream house designed and built in any country. Your own wishes combined with the wide variety of designs and ideas we offer, are the key to the unique creation you have been dreaming of.


Within our company, we represent various firms that realize many types of businesses abroad and also advise on intermediation, selling/buying of real estate, renting of (holiday) accommodation, import and export, legal matters. But also engineering offices, real estate brokers, contracting firms, law firms, etc. are within direct contact. We are specialised in analysing every situation and giving the best possible technical and financial and legal advice on our or your own construction projects. Together with local and foreign banks and other international financial corporations we offer a suitable loan or mortgage to realize projects.



We have contracts to develop projects in Suriname and Caricom till 2030. The projects include town planning, commercial building, low income middle class and luxurious housing projects, music halls, apartments, student hotels, medical facilities, laboratories, wellness centers, as well as waste management, agricultural and infrastructural plans. We also facilitate our clients with marketing, finance and sales. We have several divisions with offices in Europe, Caribbean, Asia and South America. With our partners we have possibilities in participating in projects with our design-built-finance concepts for both private clients and governments within a public private partnership.


We also have larger development projects that are being pre-financed by investment companies. We can calculate in advance what the earnings will be on short or longer term investments. Most of them in Real Estate, but we also have possibilities for investments in other mentioned businesses as long as we calculate the feasibility


If you want us to provide you with our services, if you want to experience or participate in our projects, feel free to contact us. Our expertise goes from the stages of design, engineering and technical and financial monitoring of the projects implementation and even the marketing and sales at all our offices worldwide. We are looking forward to welcome you to our projects and introduce you to the possibilities to invest in small to larger projects.

For more information and questions or to participate in our projects, please see our website and email or call us.

Some upcoming Projects

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)