Welcome to Fairali

An internationally operating recognised architectural design and consultancy firm, registered and registered in the Netherlands and Suriname as a legally recognised architectural and engineering firm in the fields of Architecture, Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Environmental Technology and Real Estate Development. 

Since 1987 we have been working together with our partners, who, in addition to their local experience, also have extensive experience abroad in various of the above and related disciplines.

In addition to Suriname, projects have also been carried out in the Netherlands, Portugal, the Netherlands Antilles, the Philippines, India, Kosovo and Turkey.
With regard to housing in Suriname you will find on this website more information about us and our way of waking up, as well as some low and high-rise models that can be realized and some houses that have already been realized. If you are interested in a certain model, a specification of the indicated house can be sent to you, possibly supplemented with your own wishes. Various models can of course also be adapted (layout / design) to your insights and requirements. You can determine and specify all this yourself. Based on your wishes a budget will be made and sent to you.

Please also take a look at our reference projects that we have carried out in several of the aforementioned countries. You can also see which projects we are currently working on. You can also take a look at our news flashes announcing current and upcoming issues. Also information about the investment climate and the reason for investing in Suriname can be found in the ongoing discussions and articles from local and international magazines where Suriname is one of the few well growing economies.

Please also note the information about the development of a local (eco-) prefabricated system in Suriname and the design by applying energetic building principles such as Vaastu (from India) and Feng Shui (from China) and the various articles on construction in Suriname.
In short, a lot of information with which you, as our future client or partner, are guaranteed to be able to continue. If you have any additional questions, we would of course be happy to hear them so that we can assess and guide you through your specific situation. Please send us an email and we will make an appointment.

Services at Fairali

Our Clients

For information, questions and appointments

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)